ASCE-NH “The New Hampshire Civil Engineer” March 2020 Newsletter Cover featured a great photo of TFMoran’s Senior Project Engineer, Jeremy Belanger, PE, receiving the Young Engineer of the Year Award. This distinguished award was presented by ASCE-NH Board Member, Nick Golon. ASCE-NH nominated Jeremy not only for his involvement in ASCE-NH, but for his outstanding work ethic, his integrity as a young professional, his dedication and enthusiasm for the Civil Engineering profession, and his volunteerism in giving back to the community. Jeremy was selected by a jury of his peers from New Hampshire’s Joint Engineering Societies.

NH Young Engineer of the Year 2020
The ASCE-NH President’s Message features a photo of Jeremy holding his award certificate standing next to New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu, along with members of New Hampshire’s Joint Engineering Societies. The March newsletter covers the 2020 Engineers Week Awards Banquet & Exhibition recognizing both the 2020 Young Engineer of the Year, Jeremy Belanger, PE and 2020 Engineer of the Year, Robert “Bob” Henry, Ph.D., PE, a Professor at the University of New Hampshire for 40+ years. The awards banquet took place in Concord during National Engineers Week.
TFMoran is very proud to have Jeremy on our team.
Congratulations from all of us!